Based in Estonia, Finland, Romania, Ukraine and Azerbaijan, serving clients across Europe.
© 2015 - 2024 Talentbyte Ltd.
Flexibility, ability to find matching candidates to fight the local IT talent shortage and a great level of support and personal service. That's us.
Our Philosophy
We do good by all our candidates and clients to build strong relationships.
Our Mission
To provide skilled and vetted remote developers for tech companies in a flexible way.
With a local presence in the Nordics, Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Western Asia, we can provide our clients skilled developer from a variety of countries and tech pools.
We trust in fast moving processes and keeping the recruiting cycles short and efficient for all parties. With existing talent pools, we're typically able to provide candidates in a matter of days.
Open and strong communication is the essence for both candidate and client experience. Dealing with people from multiple countries and cultures drives us to keep improving our processes.
Hires in tech
Vetted talent pool
Remote setups
Talentbyte was born in 2015 out of the founders own need. We understand that the workforce of the future often includes a mix of local employees and those who are willing to relocate or work remotely. Our goal is to help you find the ideal combination of talent to drive your growth.
We still believe in the same key concepts as in 2015: